Sara Blankenship
Adam Valenta
Accounts Manager
Al Wagner
Sales Manager
Allamis Nagale
Sales Representative
Annie Gross
Sales Coordinator
Ashley Brennan
Customer Relationship Coordinator
Ashley Manning
Sales Representative
Becky Taylor
Senior Project Manager
Bill Putich
Account Manager
Brian Krepina
Purchasing Coordinator
Christy Neilson
Account Manager
Curtis Faulkner
Cynthia Stickney
QA Manager
Dana Oberdove
Business Development
Dave Jones
Account Manager
David Wiktorowski
Account Manager
Diana Boyle
Project Manager
Dina Graham
Project Analyst
Dominique Brickner
Business Development Representative
Dori Adams
Senior Account Manager
Elizabeth Egbert
Elizabeth Weber
Business Development Representative
Erin Rose
Project Coordinator
Fitzroy DaSilva
Project Analyst
Ford Gaitley
Greg Koperna
Director of Sales
Heidi Humble
Account Manager
Jaci Keys
Jacob Brickman
Janet Escribano
Sales Coordinator
Jason Menendez
Accounts Manager
Jeannie Bartlett
Accounts Manager
Jeff Gross
Senior Vice President
Jenny Thompson
Sales Coordinator
John Allen
John Connoy
Vice President Purchasing
John Stockdale
Project Analyst
Karen Melton
VP Finance
Kathy Clark
Project Analyst
Kathy Mocho
Stock Buyer
Keri Sainato
Kevin Lahiff
Accounts Manager
Kevin Swaidner
Business Development Representative
Kristyn Gerda
Customer Relationship Coordinator
Larry Keilin
Vice President of Technology
Lela Prica
Senior Account Manager
Lisa Horgan
Sr. Sls. Coord./Sales Team Lead
Lisa Marcoguiseppe
Account Manager
Lorissa Schwab
Lynette Poole
Customer Relationship Coordinator
Mandy Williams
Purchasing Coordinator
Marcia Davis
Senior Project Analyst

Mark Stanek
Business Development Representative
Mary Chase
Senior Project Manager
Mat Harbert
Matt Hennessy
Business Development Representative
Michelle Royal
Mike Cronin
Accounts Manager
Mike Robinson
Nicole Mayne
Inside Sales Team Lead
Noelle Zaffle
Project Coordinator
Olivia Cardinal
Business Development
Patrick Furhmann
Accounts Manager
Pete Olson
Ray Turkowski
Senior Account Manager
Rebecca Holland
Marketing Director
Richard Szoradi
Rod Cywinski
Vice President Purchasing & Supplier Relations

Roger Seid
Chief Executive Officer
Ryan Teague
Sarah Bailey
Sarah Fletcher
Sarah Lentz
Customer Relationship Coordinator
Shannon Sweeney
Sherry Ellinwood
Sales Coordinator
Susan Lopez
Marketing Assistant
Susan Robinson
Account Manager
Tammy Kucera

Ted Koelsch
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Teri Baldwin
Sales Coordinator
Theresa Higgins
Purchasing/Sales Coordinator

Therese Melick
Vice President Vendor Relations
Tim Ball
Quality Supervisor
Tony Delco
Dir. Puchasing and Materials
Valarie Kelly
Customer Service Manager

Kaufman Container Company Corporate
Cleveland, OH