
About NACD

Values and Mission

NACD is committed to the distribution of quality packaging components by establishing the market connection between manufacturers/producers and users incorporating the following values:

  • A belief that our system is the most economical, efficient and value-added method to achieve the preferred resource status.
  • A commitment to the development of knowledgeable, competitive sales organizations.
  • A pledge to maintain high moral and ethical behavior in our market place and in our community.
  • The promise of a financially sound Association that provides continuing education for its members, for producers, and for the industry to which it belongs.

NACD Mission Statement:

To advocate the concept that wholesale distribution is the most effective and efficient channel to bring packaging components to the manufacturers of consumer and industrial products.

To advance the exchange of industry information among its members and supporting suppliers through activities such as informative annual conventions, industry benchmarking surveys and reports, trade shows, informative website, distributor-supplier committee focused on current issues, and other valuable programs.

To provide networking opportunities for members and supporting suppliers to share ideas, programs, technical information, and other industry intelligence valuable to our businesses.

To maintain the highest moral and ethical behavior in all of our business transactions.

Contact Us

Get in Touch

National Association of Container Distributors

PO Box 59235

Schaumburg, IL 60159-0235


T/F: 630-942-6585

Email: info@nacd.net